Every Friday in school we have Kapa Haka where we learn Maori songs, dances, stories, and cultural things. This was my favorite thing to do at school. Our Kapa Haka teacher's name is Dennis and he is nice. He made us some fancy poi balls made out of wool string. We are learning to use them. He also helped our school "put down a hāngi" which is digging a hole in the ground and cooking food on hot rocks in baskets. Coco and Mommy came and helped with the food for the hāngi. We had chicken, kumara (sweet potatoes), pumpkin, and potatoes. We also had mussels and sausages and bread. For dessert we had carrot cake and cream. My class made kite decorations to celebrate the Maori new year.
Video Above: Sophie and Eliza Singing a Maori Song
Photo Gallery Below: Putting Down and Eating a Hangi.