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Netball is Fun!

Sophie playing goal shoot

After school we are playing on a netball team. Lots of people play netball here. It's kind of like basketball but you can't move with the ball and there are different positions. You have to wear skirts. The positions are center, goal attack (GA), goal defense (GD), wing attack (WA), and wing defense (WD). There is a goal shoot (GS) and a goal keep (GK). GK and GD and WD defend the goal. WA, GA, and GS are trying to get the ball and make goals. It is super fun. You have to stay with your buddies (the buddy is the position on the opposite team that you are paired with). WA and WD stay together. GA and GD stay together. GK and GS stay together. It is lots of fun! Our coaches are nice and they are taking us to a professional netball game in a few weeks.

Sophie playing Goal Defense

Eliza (on the left) playing Goal Attack

Eliza playing Goal Shoot

Big Rock Netball Team (Sophie in front left and Eliza in center back)

Big Rock Netball Team (Eliza at far left and Sophie next to her)


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