When we went to Australia 2 weeks ago we got to go on an AMAZING horse ride in the Snowy Mountains where parts of the movie The Man From Snowy River were filmed. We saw the 'Jump Scene' where Jim goes down the crazy steep hill riding after the brumbies. Some sources say that the hill wasn't that steep and it was just camera angles and trees planted funny. I can confirm that those are NOT true. It was definitely as steep as it looked in the film. Apparently the first stunt double who did the jump turned in his saddle to show everyone watching that he could do it, and the movement caused the horse to fall and the man broke some bones (idk which ones). The horse was totally fine, but they ended up having to find a local horse trainer to do it for the film. He got paid 5 grand for doing it 4 times, and afterwards the actor of Jim did it once, so that he could say he could do it.
We didn't get to ride down the hill though :( . On the horse ride I got a beautiful yet stubborn, slow, and hungry horse named Phoenix. He was fun even if all he wanted to do was slowly walk and eat. We finally got him doing trots though, so that's good. I shouldn't complain about my horse being slow though, because Sophie's little Mitch was DEFINITELY a little slow poke! It was actually quite funny. The ride was so beautiful and amazing, and I'd go back and do it again any day.