Yesterday Coulter, my dad and I went to see one of the filming locations for the first Hobbit (An Unexpected Jouney) . Since all the things in the movies are copyrighted, the owners call the place "Hairy Feet" instead of something that sounds more Lord of the Ringsy. We saw the places where Thorin and company saw the Orks and Wargs for the first time, as well as where the trolls had destroyed a farm and the troll cave. They were originally going to film Beorns house there, but ended up filming that somewhere else. The prep for the filming took 8 months, the filming took 2 weeks and they only got 11 minutes in the actual movie. It was actually the most time put in the movie that was filmed in one place.The place it was filmed is a four generation sheep farm on around 120 acres. The sheep rancher who gave us the tour had a bunch of funny stories, and wore hiking boots and high socks with a sweatshirt and WAY short shorts.... it was pretty wierd. The farm had been used for commercials and 2 other movies, and had been looked at for Narnia and other movies, and the people who scouted for Avatar wished they had used it. It was one of the coolest/ prettiest places I've seen.