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Here in Ocean View

10 days ago, on Jan 12, we got to our house here in Ocean View. It is amazing and our backyard is practically the ocean. The walls are mostly windows and doors on the side facing the ocean, so you can always see the amazing view... of the ocean, which I guess is why it's called Ocean View. We've also gone to see our schools, and when you compare mine to Sophie and Eliza's, it's just crazy. They're exact opposites! My school is an all girls, crazy strict, uniform (also crazy strict), high school. Sophie and Eliza's is a tiny, coed, laid back, no dress code, primary school where you go swimming for PE. Both seem to be good schools though. We also went to our LDS branch this past Sunday, and it seems pretty cool. I'm one of three young women, and the only miamaid. There are alot of investigators, as well as converts. Over half of the youth are the only members in their families, or their siblings or cousins come with them. Most of their parents are nonmembers. Its really neat to see them come on their own, just because they love it, not because someone is making them. This place, our 7 month home, is unbeleivably amazing.



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